Yup. The $10 Trillion per year market for coal natural gas and oil is going to near zero (oil still used for plastic and such but not for fuel. Why is that? Wind solar and grid batteries have reduced cost by 90% over 12 years and still improving. As to gasoline and diesel, electric power today is about 70% cheaper. Gasoline and diesel consume about 50% of oil production. In the U.S. fuel cost will go down by $540 Billion per year once electric power is 99% powering light vehicles and heavy trucks.
Of course VCR sales are now zero. Replaced by cloud storage. I guess technology constantly improving will make winners and losers, expect the consumer wins.
When electric power is used there is less oil profit for Russian and Middle East Terrorists, fuel prices and supply become stable and inflation is lower as, in the U.S., citizens pay about $540 billion less in fuel. Electric from wind solar hydro and batteries will drive down electric power cost. Reduced gas and diesel vehicle pollution and coal pollution to zero will reduce medical costs. In total more then $1 Trillion per year savings.