Wow. As an electric engineer viewing the progress in wind cost (lower), wind blade recycling (100%} batteries moving away from Co Ni to Fe P and soon common material like sodium, silicon etc, battery life moving to > 50 years, EV lowers cost of commercial Van and Semi and extending their useful life plus new more efficient heat pumps and … Well I could on. Note that microwave oven initially cost $600 now cost $50 (or adjust for inflation $25).
Did you know EV use less energy then gas or diesel?
Yes consumers should buy less. Why folks want a 4 wheel drive V8 truck and never see snow, mud nor use the bed is a mystery to me.
But your incorrect analysis of the eco system replacing fossil fuel is sad.
Reducing fossil fuel use lowers profits for Russian and Middle East territories. Maybe that is a better investment reason for moving to 90% clean energy.