What I think is this. EV battery technology leaps will drive market acceptance.
The one exception is EV vendors should offer extended battery warranty of 250,000 miles 12 years now. Why, it eliminates any fear of battery replacement price and boosts the perception of higher resale value. That is a zero cost step.
Back to batteries. The first date for 2X the range, half the cost, 1/2 the weight is likely 2027 soonest 2030 latest. That lines up with GM s plan to reach 100% EV by 2035.
Which of the technologies will dominate first. Don’t know but it is Tesla against the rest of the industry of battery vendors and start ups. Odds are Tesla will buy what the industry settles on, 10% chance Tesla own the technology.
So sure GM can match or beat Tesla.
With dense Si anodes, Li sulfur Graphene, Solid State (5 entering eval phase) advanced LFP
Or Li air (unlikely but possible), or Tesla path, TBD on the solution.
Assumes the charging infrastructure for 50% EV population is built out by 2030…