Robert Roth
4 min readMay 25, 2024


Trump MAGA wants no freedom for women

Guarding our Freedom of Choice
The MAGA team has a plan. A very effective plan. They want to win the votes of evangelist cults by moving their strongly held religious views to state and federal law.
You might remember hobby lobby and the supreme court ruling that corporations in the public square can ignore federal law and remove contraception benefits from their employees because the owners have strongly held beliefs that contraception is wrong.
Then the supreme court ruled that someone that was planning on a web site for marriage photo’s could deny gay couples their services because of their strongly held beliefs.
Then the supreme court ruled that roe was no longer the law of the land. Red states enacted laws with punishments for women, doctors, and anyone assisting a woman to obtain an abortion. And they encouraged vigilantes to turn in suspected law breakers or sue them in court for $10,000, because it violated their strongly held beliefs. They allow law enforcement to use web search as proof that a miscarriage was an abortion. If you searched the internet and any links were discovered to abortion information that was placed in evidence.
So, step one, win the Supreme court majority with Justices selected from US think tank that carefully selected Justices that will ignore passed ruling and please the loud religious minority that votes as one. That think tank was funded by Oligarch’s interested in laws and judicial rulings that favored their profit and power. They only support laws for religious groups for their vote.
Step two is fund Red states with “right minded” federal and state legislators and attorney generals. The funding is from the same US Oligarchs like the Koch Brothers network.
An attorney general from Texas in federal district court asked that mifepristone be banned, a drug with a 25 year safe record and used in 50% of abortions in the US. The suit is based on the claim some doctors might feel bad if the drug has a bad outcome. The Federal Judge, carefully selected, ruled the use of this drug should be banned from all states.
Washington State district attorney Ferguson along with other NW state AGs sued to remove FDA restrictions on mifepristone, used in 60% of abortions in the NW and also used to treat issues with pregnancies ended naturally or prior to any use of mifepristone.
The Supreme Court will decide the case for mifepristone, safe or not safe, soon. They will rule on FDA decisions based on medical evidence against a strong feeling from Texas doctors with no data.
That is just a shadow of the plan to eliminate abortion medicine. If Trump and MAGA win control of the federal government agencies, the plan is to reset the FDA rules on all abortion medicine, to make it against Federal Law to sell, ship or otherwise distribute in the USA. This is not a secret; it is discussed in the open.
 Extreme religious cults believe that life begins when the egg is fertilized by the sperm. So, anything that blocks the sperm is blocking the start of life. Therefore, all contraception must be eliminated. Again, use the FDA to make sale and distribution of all contraception products banned as they are “pronounced” unsafe.
So, the right to abortion and contraception is eliminated nationwide with no votes or laws, just a ban based on lies about the safety of all products supporting same. Those are only a few of the rights you can quickly lose.
Remember the supreme court supports limiting access to business in the public square based on strongly held beliefs. So, if you are married and have no children after 10 years it can be assumed that you are using illegal contraception and that is offensive to strongly held beliefs. If you are renting, you will be evicted. If employed, you will be fired. Any business owner can deny services and products based on strongly held religious belief.
Red states are also working on laws that eliminate no fault divorce. Remember this became a right in the 1950’s. Why eliminate it?

It is against the strongly held religious beliefs of very active religious cults.
In Texas border towns, today, there are city laws prohibiting pregnant woman from crossing state lines as they might be seeking abortions. Of course, this is not legal. But when states sanction mob rules, it becomes reality.
Remember the Alabama Senator that wanted to stop all military senate confirmed promotions because the US military policy was to provide support for personal seeking an abortion, even if they are from a state where abortion services were legal. This is the MAGA mind set in the US senate and house, in MAGA state legislators and in the MAGA state mobs.
To protect your rights vote. Vote against all MAGA would be law makers in every state. Vote against the republicans asking to control the white house and therefore the federal government. Return to the wise consul of our founding fathers who said pass no law favoring any religion. Anyone who wants to practice their strongly held beliefs in their home or church is free to do so. But for the 60 to 70 percent of us that do not believe as they do, we should be free as well.
Keep supporting moderate republicans and democrats until the Supreme Court is once again staffed with moderate Justices and that all politicians reject forcing the religious dogma of the few on all citizens.



Robert Roth
Robert Roth

Written by Robert Roth

Retired Intel Electrical Engineer, 70's US Navy Officer Nuclear Power Program, Graduate studies in Business UC Berkeley, BSEE U of Fla.

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