Trump is following a known script to become king, a dictator for life, perhaps followed by his family.
Trump loves Putin, Putin loves his Trump
Trump admires Putin as a strong leader, wants to be like him. Did you know Russia in January 2024 raised the minimum wage to $200 a month. The median monthly income in Russia is $570! Half of Russian citizens earn $570 per month or less. Average wage $944 per month. In rural Russian outside of major cities 60% of households do not have indoor toilets. Vote for Trump MAGA and you too can have $200 a month minimum wages and maybe $570 a month but you might have to give up indoor toilets. See what emulating the “Strong” leader will yield for US citizens- poverty or vote for democrats and Harris for continued economic progress.
Note the Trump MAGA 2025 plan would empower corporations to collude on wages for engineers, doctors, scientists, educators, skilled workers like welders, truck drivers and so on. The threat to your wages is real