Tipping points. When did cell phones become ubiquitous? When the cost dropped? No when the services from computer servers became cheap and cool. Info on demand, movies on demand, social media and games etc
Ok play this game for EVs. What happens when EV batteries cost is 75% cheaper and weighs less than 400 pounds and vehicle to grid cost savings pays for the battery in 5 years and the expected life of the battery is 700,000 miles. Ok that will happen 2027. Let go one more step, the life of EV batteries jumps to 5,000,000 miles. So recycled EV batteries every 250,000 miles into new EV. The EV charging is wireless in the road. Is there a tipping point for EVs?
Based on the continuous engineering improvements in EV batteries to date and showing no sign of slowing down, my guess is the tipping point is 2030.