There are still lies told about clean energy.
What we need are true stories.
Recently I drove 200 miles to a beach town. The ride was tranquil and the EV responsive. On the way I passed a slow car on the narrow 2 lane road. The EV went from 45 to 75MPH in 2 seconds. Passing in my open spot was safe with room to spare. At the hotel they offer free charging in overnight parking spaces. My cost in fuel for the 200 mile return trip was zero.
I met a fireman in my town who commuted to work in a truck 85 miles each way. He bought a Tesla, saves $900 a month on fuel and kept his truck for truck stuff on the weekend. The fuel savings paid for the Tesla.
A free car in 2025 if you drive a lot. A $25,000 EV is expected in 2025 from 3 vendors. With a $7500 tax credit the cost is $17500. Fuel cost for 100 miles is $2.50. If you are driving a car with 25 MPG and $5.00 per gal gas, fuel cost is $20.00 every 100 miles, you save $17.50 every day. Assume you are an Uber driver working 5 days a week, you save $340 a month. Assuming 2000 trade in, 60 months loan, the monthly loan is $300. The cost is zero after fuel saving. That will soon be a true story.
What saves more money, adding solar panels or converting from gas heat to a heat pump? That is a story for another time and place.