The oil production damage is clearly passed the point of minor. GDP will decline at an accelerated rate. I find it a coordinated effort for demand (India and China buy from other sources) and supply (Russian oil production on fire, delivery systems failing).
The food production decline and decline of revenue approaching 30%, maybe more , would be significant if the Russian government cared about its people. At some point police and military will ask why is my life so poor in basics of food, shelter and safety.
Ukraine manufactured drones destroy oil production and supply every day. This can continue for a long time.
The world might swap food for Russia in exchange for nuclear weapons if they’re in any inclination to save Russians from starvation by the Russian government. Sadly Russian history is let the people die.
From this report my impression is the Russian military in Ukraine will soon lack gasoline to fuel their attack golf carts.
I am guessing the next priority for drone swarms will be air defense to enable Ukraine to increase the use of fighter aircraft.
In the mean time China playing the long game can step in to swap land and resource ownership for their own ambitions.