Starting with slide rule and adding exponents is cool.
I attempted a math program for my math phobic autistic granddaughter.
The goal teacher all will visuals.
Grab a bunch of bottoms, count them. But first put them in piles of 10.
Use prints out of bits randomly placed, circle groups of 10.
Learn addition and subtraction 0to 20.
19-11. Guess the answer
Then take a pile of 11 bottoms from the pile of 20.
Count what is left.
Then exponents of 2, 5, and 10,
Cut a paper in half, cut those pieces in half and so on. Fractions and power of 2 you can hold.
Any answer within 20% is correct. No fear of wrong answers plus learn to estimate
Algebra with filling boxes. The variable is B. Weight, count etc.
Not much progress with my granddaughter. However I suspect this might help math fobic kids who are taught by drills grading right or wrong as the focus not concept….