Some minds crave black and white thinking. They don’t tolerate gray scale. Their brains literally generate drugs when thoughts (propaganda) support their tribal views. For those seeking power to adjust policies , tax and regulations, you spend money on laws like eliminating abortion, contraception and no fault divorce or lock up votes of gun cult with a new law expanding gun access every year.
So how to bring some of those folks into rejecting their cult. Well some percentage will eventually reject extreme positions.
In my opinion the gray areas of abortion contraception and no fault divorce are inherently understood by many in tribal cults. The effort should be highlighting bad decisions and implications for folks who already know the risks but need focus and reminders with stories that hit close to home.
Then your discussions of other topics that have shades of gray have a chance.
In the case of EVs I don’t understand why more time isn’t spent on the benefits of reduce oil profits for Russian and Middle East Terrorists make us safer. Or that reducing fossil fuel by 50% will result in more stable and cheaper gas prices. In short don’t sell what folks don’t want to believe sell what they do believe. You end up in the same place.