Some mega trends to think about.
1. The technology eco system for EVs and especially batteries is stronger then folks realize. The pace of continuous improvement is faster and not generally reported.
Next the economics of EV saving for high use cases (police cars, delivery vans, Uber…) will drive the switch to EV. It is already in play. In the US that is 20% of vehicles but consumes 50% of fossil fuel. Heavy trucks, about 4 million units consumes 25% of fossil fuel. The transfer to EV has started and there’re is no turning back the saving. When fossil fuel consumption drops by 75%, the market shift to EV will be a spike in demand. My view is it will become a national priority to increase production as gas and diesel fuel infrastructure is disrupted by a fast drop in demand.
Final point. There is a massive push to improve battery energy density, lower cost and remove production bottlenecks. Tesla is not likely to own the enabling battery technology but they might be best in class to use it.
So not guessing on the stock value. But I think cost savings in commercial vehicles will soon be the biggest factor in the pace of transition to EV and battery technology evolution will also spike demand faster then predictions. In fact I don’t see many predictions about what battery cost and performance will be and the market implications is general articles.