Ok. Here is a biased response from a retired Intel Electrical Engineer. Before I start I want to bring in Richard Feynman. When asked what is the responsibility of science when science discoveries can be used for good or evil. Basically he said science is about understanding how the universe of the physical world works. People who are evil or misguided that use that knowledge for evil must be challenged by society and through their government representatives.
Read his books for a more articulate discussion of this issue.
At Intel we were graded on doing more with less. All jobs, every year. So computers for every one were born from an engineering culture looking to increase price-performance by 2X every two years.
Was that bad. Well emails with large attachments soon filled in boxes. Working at home became required just to process the flood of information. Until it wasn’t. Some corporations trained folks to be brief, use links so folks knew more info was optional. Also state the goal of the email upfront- info, decision, problem solving…
Pain pills sold with lies about both long term effects and addiction. Society, after understanding the issue sued big Pharma, Doctors stopped the pace of perceptions.
Farming technology added chemicals dangerous to health.
Food industry adds sugar to every thing, including high fructose corn syrup. Really bad for you. Information and society pushes back.
Tobacco companies lie about risk of smoking. Ok old tech but same oversight issue as new technology.
Schools don’t teach proven techniques for happier life. Books could help like The Four Agreements and Buddha’s brain (discoveries from medical instrumentation)
Bottom line use technology or not. Support government investigations of total cost or risk of new technology.