Of course the major barrier is changing hearts and minds. I love the public transportation in the EU and 90% of my transport when visiting is by foot, rest by public transportation.
Anyway Elon Musk path was EV with FSD and the owner rents it out when not needing the EV.
Of course a program today that offers Uber credit if you give up your vehicle for Uber use comes close to this.
In any case the transition to EVs will happen. In 2027 EV batteries will cost 50% of todays 300 mile range solutions and production CO2 reduced by 50%. 20% of light vehicles consume 50% of fossil fuel. By 2027 the economics of EV for heavy trucks will shift replacement sales to 100% EV.
These trends will save the US economy $500. Billion in fuel cost per year. And that money can used to offset the damage from climate change.
Moving to 90% renewable energy saves on the order of $1 trillion per year. More $ to deal with climate damage.
With less fossil fuel profits for Russian and Middle East terrorists we are safer and avoid $trillion in wars over oil.
So sure the pragmatic steps you promote are effective and possible. However, as Pogo said “We have met the enemy and he is us”