My view: In both commercial use ( police cars, Uber, delivery vans and heavy trucks…) and cases where consumer driving is high mileage, the saving over 10 years makes EV the economic choice. So 25% or so of vehicles consume 50% of gas and diesel. Once consumption drops by 50% gas and diesel prices will increase to perhaps 2X. This will accelerate demand EV production will increase.
The infrastructure for charging will meet customer expectations within 10 years. Again booting demand.
Next the battery technology is moving at a fast pace. Both due to increased investment and improved engineering tools. So 2X range and 1/2 the price within 10 years for consumer. For heavy trucks 4X the energy density. The will boat demand.
Having said that I also expect a drop in production out 20 years or so when EV demand reaches a steady state following the factors above.