I will start with the last point. Influit is prototyping a fluid battery using nano materials that achieve a high energy density. You can read more on their web site. It is a ways from proving mass production but is far along. Fluid batteries have been around a long time. This is the first with high energy density.
My real point is EV and battery are evolving rapidly. Locally sourced is what Influit energy claims but there are other battery in R&D that don’t use lithium.
LFP life projections are based on testing- numbers of cycles until failure. The million mile number is proven for expected life. LCN battery has 300000 to 500000 mile expected life.
Yes lithium is not perfect. Checkout Redmond Materials in Reno - a Tesla spin off that claims 90% recovery.
The economic numbers are important as EV are win win- lower pollution and lower cost. Lower cost is a benefits to humans as it means folks in lower incomes will be less stressed in terms of cost of products and food.
Search on Do gasoline based cars really use more electricity than electric vehicles? To refine gas for 4 gallons it takes the same electric energy as it takes to power an EV for 100 miles. In terms of pollution gas cars pollute by burning gas and by the pollution for electric power generation. So EV pollution from electric power generation is a net zero as EV eliminate gas refining demand for pollution associated with electric power- net change is zero, no additional pollution from electric power by shifting from gas to EV. But major reduction in pollution by not burning gas.
Coltura has interesting studies on EV use cases
In terms of human costs you might search how gas and diesel exhaust cause lung disease and cancer.