I put 20,000 miles on my EV in 2020 and used external charging 9 times, each less then 10 minutes. When I take the 12 seconds to plug in, the car takes less then 2 hours to charge. So what would it cost to offer 2 hours of 240 volt charge to folks in apartments? First a 240 volt circuit can already support multiple cars. More then 5 but let’s assume 5. It the apartment owner adds a panel with say 5 240 volt circuits, you support 25 cars. There is SW and HW now that supports this sharing. Assume 25 year life, it is cheap to support. Will apartment owners support this? Yes if the demand is there and likely will be required to win new renters. Needed yes, hard to do, no. Street parking charge could be accomplished but can wait for the sales to build up to more then 25% share, easily supported by home and apartments with parking spaces.