I have 50,000 miles on a Tesla, cost $2.30 to drive 100 miles in the Pacific Northwest. For my use case, I charge 99% of time at home. When I do use external charging from Tesla, I never wait for a plug, most time more then 50% of the stalls are empty. Why? In the US less then 0.5% of car trips exceed 150 miles.
Of course it is early in EV market development so not all use cases are covered. Right now EV demand exceeds supply. That will change as auto industry ramps up production to cover all price points and as the chargers for long trips are expanded.
I hope folks that a good look at the evolving EV products and services. Reducing fossil fuel demand is one way to reduce Russian profits used to terrorize the West. Also every sale of an EV encourages more investments in EV technology. So lower costs, better products continuously improve coverage of use cases.