I do what I can. Check out my latest quest on substack.
Essentially I have a few magic tricks up my sleeve. It is a little bit like knowing about quantum physics and then actually using it in quantum diodes.
Here are my magic tricks.
1. Creat a solution that many thought impossible by empowering folks affected to take charge. I am referring to solving the problem of easy to use and low cost charging for low income apartment households, while increasing their net worth by $30,000. And with no government funds.
2. Increase the market acceptance of EV and their resale value with a no cost option. How? I understand the failure mechanism in EV batteries. So Washington Oregon and California make a request of EV vendors. Offer an extended Transferable battery warranty on EV of 250,000 miles and 12 years. Here is my guess one EV vendor will offer that extended warranty at $1000. All the competition will follow. At that price the EV vendor makes a profit. The new car buyer knows that extended warranty will increase the resale value of his purchase so likely the extended warranty net cost will be small. The EV vendor sees a jump in EV demand as the FUD of battery life is put to bed. The used EV sees a boost in demand as well. The magic of something for nothing. Ok how do I pull off this magic trick? Watch my articles on substack. Of course I will need a little help from the audience. Most magic tricksters do as well.