Good enough for less. 70,000 miles on a Tesla and it is still superior to gas cars. Sure just one use case. I set the max charge to 267 each day, eve n when I go on 400 mile trips. Basically the same as LFP batteries.
CATL just announced production of a new LFP battery. 425 mile range, with 250 miles in 10 minute charge rate. Cut it in half and stick it in a $25000 low cost car. The low cost market might be spoken for…
Amprius started production of a new Si anode with 2X the power density of Tesla’s best battery. In the same year and also in Si valley Lyten is shipping pilot manufacturing Li Sulfur batteries also with 2X the power density. Both look lower cost to build, TBD on the yield.
So possible 800 mile range or lower cost.
Who will win the race? Toyota, Lyten, or Amprius? Or the EV industry and the consumer?