EV production for most cars will be LFP. Iron and Phosphate are cheaper and don’t use conflict materials plus render EV production energy = to gas vehicles..
The article seems to suggest the only benefit of EV is pollution. For commercial use the payback ( savings over gas or diesel) is about $20,000 per year for large semi trucks and about $5000 per year for light vehicles (delivery vans, Uber, police applications. That includes the current purchase price premium of EV over gas. Essentially for about 30% of vehicles and about 50% of gas and diesel demand EV are cheaper today.
The electrical grid can easily handle EV demand for consumer vehicles today as 90% of charging is at home or apartment , at night when electric demand is low. There is an investment needed to add level 2 charging to homes and apartments. That investment can be used for 50 years so cost per EV is about $200. As to semi trucks yea grid need updating. But grid is 100 years old in many cases and needs up dating anyway as we shift to home heat pumps away from gas home heat. Heat pumps are cheaper to run then gas. So again saves money.
To produce gas the refineries need electric power. In fact gas to move a car 100 miles used more electric power then an EV to move 100 miles. So as cars shift to EV the total electric demand in the US wii decrease. Of course where the electric energy is needed will shift.
EV are on a fast pace to lower cost. Battery production cost dropped by 90% in 10 years. The trend continues. By 2025 the production cost and sales price of EV will be less then gas or diesel.
In summary, the USA spending on transportation will drop by about $300Billion per year by 2028, so $3trillion saving every decade.
Oh one last point. EV are more fun to drive. Try one rented from hertz on your next vacation.