EV demand is high, a proven market for high profit fun to drive vehicles. The next market segments to embrace EV will be high mileage light vehicle for commercial use where current EV are already lowest cost, although not available in all the form factors but built a lower life cycle cost option for commercial use it will sell. EV for semi trucks already pencil out to 1.5 year payback of EV price over diesel. These segments represent more then 50% of oil demand.
Ok, let’s play a game. You own an oil company and know EV is production limited. You could attempt to lower price to slow the transition but fuel saving is only about 30% of the economic advantage. A 30%. Price reduction would still leave gas as most expensive plus with lower maintenance cost and longer life EV win the economic war. What if you increase price and reduce cost (stop drilling, close gas stations). Profits will go up. It is economics that will drive this transition. Consumer support and government policy can accelerate this trend. Climate change motivation won’t be the main driver but will benefit.
Note that charging EV at night when electric demand is currently low allows for years of EV growth and gradually building electric capacity.
My view is supporting low cost EV charging for households that rent (about 35% of US households) has the most leverage for EV growth over the next 5 years.