Convert from gas heat and electric strip heat to heat pumps. Saves 30+% of energy to heat a home. Better save another 20% by buying geothermal heat pumps. These are devices that use a hole about 5 ft deep to use the constant temperature at 5 ft and below. DOE has a nice write up on this. Problem is the return on extra investment takes about 20 years. However the device and installation cost could be reduced if R&D investment was a priority.
Best example I can think of to place energy in control of the public.
Buying an EV when price fits your budget is another.
By the way refineries need electric power to refine oil to gas. In fact electric power needed for 4 gallons of gas is the same needed to move an EV 100 miles. So swap a gas car for EV the net electric power needed is 0.0.