Climate change has sparked a major short term win. Wind solar and batteries have improved cost so coal electric plants are closing before end of life because clean energy is cheaper. Constant engineering improvements will accelerate this trend. EVs already offer cheaper high performance vehicles. However the trend is $50,000 EV will soon be $20,000. Want to support this trend? Buy an EV. That in increase the sales which will increase engineering to improve cost and performance, which will increase sales. This is the same trend you saw in $600 microwaves and VCR dropping to $60. VCR functions now just part of the cloud/internet.
Gas consumption will decline by 50% within 10 years. No more spikes in gas prices spilling inflation and cheaper transportation cost in terms of fuel, maintenance and replacement cost.
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What happens to Russian budgets for war when oil consumption is replaced with clean energy?
Thanks climate change for getting the ball moving. Now let’s embrace the trend of cheaper, safer, better world of clean energy within 10 years and the immediate benefits today of lower energy cost and fun new EVs, soon to be ubiquitous.