China has the lowest cost of energy and installs the most hydro, wind, solar and nuclear. Their peak demand for fossil fuel is about now, the steady decline going forward is simple, renewables are cheaper and offer a great market world wide. TUS is behind China and the EU.
EVs in China and Norway selling more than ICE, EU market share is next, the US in last place.
The next generation of EVs will be cheaper, longer range faster to drive and more fun to drive. Will they catch on in the US? Well maybe yes maybe no. If the US is last look at all that oil that will be available as the rest of the world moves to EV. Of course the stranded assets of the oil industry will result in bankruptcy etc and the US will see fewer suppliers milking a dying market.
Interesting times. Don’t bet against technology continuously improving performance and cost in EVs, wind, solar, grid batteries and grid infrastructure.