Building up production capacity to match demand is required for low end pricing. TBD when that is the case, depends on consumer behavior. As to lower battery cost, that depends on consumer acceptance of 259 mile range, which satisfies more then 50% of use cases. Final point, yes the lower cost battery is evolving. Tesla struggles with Si anode yields for example, a path that increase energy density 50%, cost by 30%. Note Group14 has won $600 million from Porche, US government and Microsoft to expand production of Si anode nano particles. In other words Si anodes batteries are in production (not just EV). As to CATL sodium battery, yes they are projecting a successful production ramp in 2023, not proven yet. My bet is battery cost will decline by 50% within 5 years. Of course that is a guess. You could be right. However, there is a $trillion market in play and grid and EV batteries are a big part. A good bet is continuous improvement is cost. As to IRA the terms offer a path for low income. However new car purchases are not likely for very low income so maybe $40 k per year.