A New Virus Affects the Brain

Robert Roth
3 min readJan 11, 2021


You might not look at brain response as a virus. From a scientific point of view, you would be right. I am calling this a virus because it spreads from human to human, multiplies rapidly, and can cause serious health effects, both mental health and physical.

To be specific, I am talking about gossip or, in the ancient text preserved by Jewish, Christian and Islam faiths, Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. That is the 9th commandment. How did that make the top ten? Is it dangerous or just some ancient thought that is no longer relevant today?

What inspired this article was a communication from Pope Francis claiming that gossip was more damaging to humanity than Covid 19. While I was raised Catholic, I no longer believe in all the Catholic dogma. But reading about this had me thinking. What would be the harm in forwarding gossip or claims, without proof, that someone is a pedophile or communist or fraud, or corrupt? With the internet it is so easy to do, plus it immediately grabs the attention of those I forward the gossip to and that makes me feel important and righteous.

In ancient times, false witness from your neighbors could get you stoned to death. Or expelled from the tribe and death by starvation. Today, unproven allegations over the internet can inspire crazy people with long guns to attack a pizza restaurant rumored to have pedophiles in the basement. The restaurant had no basement and no pedophiles. Or it can ruin the business and livelihood of an innocent businessperson.

Gossip is power. Power to use against people who do not believe as you do. Is there any harm that might come to you from using this power? Ok at this point I will interject some thoughts from my common sense. You can, of course, google for the facts. When you gossip often, it consumes your life. It blocks the peace and health benefits of lower blood pressure that comes from turning to positive and affirming thoughts.

And, like Covid 19, the use of gossip spreads just like a virus. One person is attacked by gossip and decides to attack back. Or someone who is only slightly into gossip forwards a lie and that lie is forwarded by 100’s more. A will to not forward gossip could have broken the chain, just like isolation with Covid 19 could break the spread of that virus.

If you routinely forward gossip, is there any risk to you? If your circle of friends are all in and addicted to the power of gossip, might they someday gossip about you?

Spreading lies about people who do not look like you or think like you is addictive. The use of that power with no practical controls or feedback makes you feel important and part of your adopted tribe. How to remove this virus from your brain? Do you want to? That decision would be the first step. The next step would be to break all chains of forwarding lies. The final step is to send feedback to the source that until there is proof, that gossip should be discounted.

And yes, the virus is not new, but it is a virus.



Robert Roth
Robert Roth

Written by Robert Roth

Retired Intel Electrical Engineer, 70's US Navy Officer Nuclear Power Program, Graduate studies in Business UC Berkeley, BSEE U of Fla.

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