A few more points
There is an enforcement paradox. If you know someone became pregnant then did not give birth, do you lock up her and anyone supporting? Current law in many red states. So if the end was due to a miscarriage the woman would to prove it was not an abortion, which is impossible.
Ok life begins at conception so of course make contraception illegal. So if a couple is married for say 12 years and no baby they would have to prove they were not using contraception right. Prove a negative (not possible)
Ok if a women has her tubes tied or a man has a vasectomy they are guilty and repeat offenders so lock them up for life right?
Check out the vigilante laws in Texas. Recently town on the Texas border pasted a rule that pregnant women cannot cross state lines in their town to get an abortion or medical care. So how would that work? Interfere with interstate travel? Kidnap the women. Doctors leave states that offer jail time if an ignorant red neck declares a miscarriage is an abortion. No worries a jury of his peers will let you go if found innocent otherwise 99 years. In any case pregnant women might be crossing state lines just to find an OBGYM
The enforcement of these personal and complex unpredictable states means many innocents will be harmed. But that’s ok, that is just collateral damage, the greater good of their strongly held religious beliefs are Gods will.