1.2 million mile ratings of EV battery at 10% price premium was released (I forgot vendor name) . However, the implications of reuse (perhaps by 10 EV or use by grid storage or both) is likely.
Given current 350 mile range in $50k EV May soon move to lower cost EV and that 90% of EV use is less than 40 miles per day, the excess capacity can be use to make money for EV owner. Assume utilities allow buying low and sell energy back at peak time (Time of Use billing) a 350 mile range EV could easily earn more then $15 k over the life of EV while shifting wind and solar to times of peak use lowering use of gas turbines. Pilot testing of this is happening in UK. Of course this requires permission from utility regulators. Tesla, Ford, and VW all support use of EV to power grid.
Extreme life (use in 10EVs), recycling, use as grid storage and new battery chemistry (such as iron for low performance planned by Tesla) 95% recycling (current best case factory in Nevada ) are all best case projection but change your EV pollution estimates to what?
Point is we can decide to prioritize investment in batteries and policy to maximize EV benefits.